Language Education Colloquium
Language Education Colloquium
 외국어교육팀 소개 Language Education Colloquium
SeoulTech Language Education Colloquium(LEC)
The SeoulTech LEC series is an opportunity for SeoulTech language teaching professionals to gather at a presentation/workshop to discuss current research and language education topics. It's a great chance to focus our attention on one topic in an interactive setting. It takes different formats depending on the purpose from presentation, workshop, panel discussions to any combination of those. The SeoulTech LEC is held once or twice a semester between March and May, and between September and November. Additional presentations can be scheduled on a special occasion. Anyone is welcome and admission is free! There will be light snacks provided.
LEC Coordinators
  • - Current Coordinator: Meerbek Kudaibergenov (September 2022 - Present)
  • - Past Coordinator: Jo-Anna Lynch (September 2014 - October 2019), Paul Bournhonesque (March 2012 - August 2014)


38th LEC: 2024 March 7, Thursday 4PM
  • - Topic: Boosting Speaking Confidence in Japanese EFL Learners: AI Tools and Pedagogical Strategies
  • - Abstract: Two presenters argue that Japanese EFL learners struggle with speaking English, particularly because they lack confidence compared to learners from other Northeast Asian backgrounds. This issue has been studied by Andrade & Williams (2009), MacWhinnie & Mitchell (2017), and Nagasawa (2024) for over twenty-five years. Connecting this to the potential of AI tools, especially GPT, this research explores how they can be used in EFL learning to boost communication skills and achieve a balanced level of English proficiency. The discussion includes optimal teaching methods, along with a case study from Konta (2024) focusing on triangle schema paraphrasing skills, GPT usage, and learners at a CEFR B1 level or higher. Our presentation explores how AI can help learners in ESL countries like Korea and Japan increase their speaking confidence and proficiency.
  • - Speakers: 


  •   Yasuko SATO (photo on the left) is a Professor of International Culture at the Faculty of International Studies, Niigata University of International and Information Studies (NUIS), Japan. With over 20 years of teaching and research experience in TESOL contexts in Japan and the USA, she specializes in applied linguistics, testing, educational technology, and tourism. SATO has been honored with several prestigious awards, including the MEXT Minister Prize for the highest number of consecutive EIKEN test passers in 2017 and 2018. Ichi KONTA (photo on the right), her senior student at NUIS and a member of KOTESOL, was awarded the best paper of 2024 by the Faculty of International Studies.


37th LEC: 2023 November 16, Thursday 4PM (Zoom)
  • - Topic: Exploring the Role of AI Tools like GPT and Google Translate in EFL Learning: A Student-Centric Perspective
  • - Abstract: The objective of this presentation is to provide EFL professionals with a comprehensive overview of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with the integration of AI platforms, particularly the GPT series, into English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education. By examining GPT’s utility in classroom settings, self-study, homework assignments, and real-world practice scenarios, participants will be better equipped to make informed decisions on leveraging this technology for pedagogical purposes. The presentation hopes to foster an active dialogue among EFL professionals about the implications of AI in the language classroom. By the end of this session, participants should be able to discern the best practices for blending traditional teaching methods with GPT as a
  •   supplementary tool, ensuring equitable and effective learning experiences for all students.

    - Speaker:  
  •    Dr. Daniel Bailey, an Associate Professor in the Department of English Language and Culture at Konkuk University, South Korea, is a scholar with extensive experience in English language instruction and a strong research background. He has worked at institutions like Konkuk University, Cheongju University, and Chungbuk National University, delivering English courses for diverse audiences and securing multiple grants, including those from Konkuk University, Korea University, and KOTESOL. His research encompasses topics such as instructor presence in online education, the impact of technology on language learning, and collaborative learning in digital environments. He can be contacted by email at:
36th LEC: 2023 March 16, Thursday 4PM (Zoom)
  • - Topic: Integrating Extramural English in improving English learners' speaking
  • - Abstract: With more out-of-school second language learning opportunities, youths are increasingly experiencing Extramural English which is defined as any type of contact that young people have with English outside the walls of the classroom. Several research studies have reported that Extramural English is positively linked with improved speaking performance. In this talk, I will use empirical evidence to discuss the characteristics, predictors, and benefits of Extramural English. I will also discuss how teachers can integrate it into formal practice.
  • - Speaker: 
  •   Dr. Ju Seong Lee is Associate Head and Assistant Professor of the Department of English Language Education at the Education University of Hong Kong, specializing in Computer Assisted Language Learning (particularly in extramural contexts) and positive psychology in SLA. He has taught high school in Korea, university students in the United States, and is a teacher educator in Hong Kong. A graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2018), he is the author of Informal Digital Learning of English: Research to Practice (Routledge, 2022) and English Education in the Digital Age: Learner-Driven Strategies for Adolescents and Young Adults (with Dressman and Perrot; Wiley-Blackwell, 2023), as well as four book chapters and over 50 peer-reviewed journal papers. He can be contacted by email at: ORCID:
35th LEC: 2022 November 24 5PM(Zoom)
  • - TopicRhetoric in Intercultural Communication: A Focus on English- and Korean-Speaking Cultures
  • - Abstract: It is a truism that language reflects culture, and, thus, learning a second or foreign language involves learning and getting adapted to a new culture (cf. ‘languaculture’ Agar 1994). Culture encompasses all aspects of human activities and thinking, most notably, the thought patterns, which are often mirrored in rhetorical structures. Despite the presence of universal features in interpersonal interaction, such as ‘politeness’, their actual manifestations may vary across cultures.

           This talk focuses on the differences in communication style, especially, with respect to politeness, between English- and Korean-speaking cultures. Meaningful differences occur not only at the lexical level (i.e., words) but also at the grammatical (i.e., structures) and discourse levels (i.e., speech acts). d on three relevant models, i.e., cultural contexts (Hall 1976), cultural dimensions (Hofstede 1984), and contrastive rhetoric (Connor 1996), this talk highlights the differences between the ‘thinkers’ and ‘feelers’ (Rhee 2017), observed in grammatical structures, discourse organizations, personal and public speech acts, and verbosity, among others.

  • - Speaker: 
  •  Seongha Rhee is a professor of applied linguistics at the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University, Thailand and professor emeritus at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea. He received his Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Texas at Austin in 1996 under the supervision of Professor Dr. Manfred Krifka, now at Humboldt University, Berlin. He taught and researched at Stanford University as a 2003-2004 Fulbright lecturer. His primary research interests are, among others, to identify cognitive and discursive mechanisms that enable language change from the crosslinguistic and typological perspectives; to analyze cultural influence that shapes linguistic structure and triggers language change; and to investigate the socio-cultural, rhetorical, discursive aspects that influence language learning. He can be contacted by email at:  
34th LEC: 2022 November 17 1PM, Rm 302 
  • - Topic: Don't Simply Write Your Opinion - Show a Critical Analysis
  • - Abstract: The presenter argues that classroom writing shouldn’t be dreadful. Rather, writing tasks may challenge, inspire and compel students. During the fall semesters of the past three years, the presenter has utilized a 6-week writing project, transcending the standard opinion essay, with over 400 university students. Through ‘Argument/Counterargument Analysis’ writing tasks, students develop essential persuasive writing skills while exploring the strategic art of concealment - an unconventional but fruitful learning opportunity. The presentation will detail the step-by-step processes students have completed, including sentence development, group essay projects, small group writing roleplays and ultimately producing opposing paragraphs, where the final product is so convincing and tonally objective, the student’s true convictions about the writing prompt remain obscured. These procedures naturally cultivate critical thinking, and even empathy, as students evaluate and communicate a range of viewpoints on a given issue. As time allows, student writing samples will be viewed during the presentation and writing roleplay prompts will be explored. A Q&A will conclude the talk.
  • - Speaker: John Breckenfeld has been living in Korea for over ten years. Since 2019, he has been teaching Communicative English in the Foreign Language Education Center at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul. After a few years of teaching all ages - from preschoolers to grandparents - John has been thrilled to work with college students full-time since 2015. He is continually inspired by students’ creativity, diligence and positive energy. John is an active member of KOTESOL, which has provided him with unparalleled professional development for the past seven years. His research and pedagogical interests include Friere’s Problem-posing Education, Dweck’s Growth Mindset, Krashen’s Compelling Input Hypothesis and Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory, as well as using songs and podcasts as lesson content.
33rd LEC: 2019 October 24 5PM, Rm 202 (Thursday)
  • - Topic: Designing An Intensive Reading Lesson
  • - Abstract: If extensive reading is easy or pleasure reading, intensive reading may be the opposite: the teacher selects slightly more challenging texts, and readers practice target skills and strategies when approaching the text. In many classrooms, qualities of intensive reading may be more common than those of extensive reading, but how sure can we be that students are reading intensively? In this workshop, we’ll approach the defining goals and traits of intensive reading, including the common reading stages (before, during and after reading), lesson design considerations, and digital tools that could help teachers and students alike. As not all reading class contexts are the same, we may also discuss how elements of the intensive reading process can be adapted to the audience’s teaching context. 
  • - Speaker: Garrett DeHond has been teaching and researching in TESOL contexts in Korea since 2014. He is primarily interested in English for academic purposes, especially as they pertain to L2 writing and digital applications. He believes practice, cooperation and reflection are essential to effective learning, and designs class activities to meet these ideals. His current research interests center on communicative tasks in L2 writing contexts, and including communities of inquiry and critical tasks such as feedback and response.
32nd LEC: 2019 September 26 5PM, Rm 201 (Thursday)
  • - Topic: Improving Presentation-based Speaking Opportunities in Language
  • - Abstract: We give micro-presentations every day. In order to be more successful communicators, we need to apply presentation skills when we teach, take part in a meeting, or even chat with friends over a cup of coffee. This talk will help you become more aware of key presentation skills and suggest ideas for providing more presentation-based opportunities for students in your language classes, help them brainstorm and choose appropriate topics, keep the other students engaged during in-class presentations, and give feedback and assess presentations. Tips for ways to organize and run full presentation skills courses will also be discussed. 
  • - Speaker: Tim Thompson is a communications consultant based in Daejeon. He has taught undergraduate and graduate-level presentation skills courses at KAIST and worked with major companies and government organizations to help their employees become better presenters. His book on presentation-based activities is available on
  • - 32nd LEC Photos
31st LEC: 2019 May 30 5:30PM, Rm 201 (Wednesday)
  • - Topic: (Re)considering "Bad Teaching Practices" 
  • - Abstract: There is no shortage of received wisdom about what the “bad” teaching practices are in EFL. Training courses, conferences, workshops, and colleagues are common sources to learn what’s “bad” and should thus be avoided. Chances to step back and consider why this is so are not so common. Many teachers internalize the “rules” about these “bad” practices, but don’t examine specific cases and contexts where these practices might not be so bad. In this interactive workshop participants will be asked to consider the potential positives of widely-known and negatively-viewed teaching practices. Ideas and assumptions about what constitutes “bad” teaching will be challenged and participants can expect to walk away with a clearer idea of their own beliefs on common and commonly mentioned practices..
  • - Speaker: Michael Griffin has been involved with English teaching for nearly 20 years, and has worked as a teacher, teacher trainer, trainer-trainer, curriculum developer, and assistant director. He teaches in the Graduate School of International Studies at Chung-Ang University and teaches Curriculum Development and the portfolio course on the New School MATESOL program. Additionally, he's been an online instructor for American English E-Teacher courses for the US State Department over the last 2 years. A frequent presenter, Griffin has presented or conducted workshops in 9 countries for a total of over 60 presentations. He is particularly interested in reflective practice, curriculum development, online learning, teacher education, teaching unplugged, and World Englishes. He blogs at:
  • - 31st LEC Photos
30th LEC 2019 April 18 5PM, Rm 201 (Wednesday)
  • - Topic: An Introduction and Overview of The Common European Framework of Reference
  • - Abstract: The objective of this presentation is to introduce the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), and give an overview of how its functionality can be useful to any language educator. To begin, we will focus on the origins of CEFR and how its phiplosophical underpinnings have led to its unique functionality. Then, we will look at its useful features including its taxonomic structure, the CEFR rating system, and its ‘can do’ descriptors will be given. To illustrate its functionality we will briefly look at how it can be used to create an integrated approach to needs analysis, curriculum design, and testing.
  • - Speaker: Keith Mannix is an assistant professor of English and a member of the foreign faculty in the Office of International Education in Seoul National University of Science and Technology. He has a MPhil in Applied Linguistics in Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. He has presented on the Common European Framework of Reference at the KOTESOL, 2017. Currently, he is completing a conversion masters in psychology in the University of Derby in the UK.
29th LEC 2018 November 22 6PM, Rm 201 (Wednesday)
  • - Topic: Non-stop Discussions in Student-led Reading Circles for ELLs
  • - Abstract: Wouldn’t you delight in hearing your students independently engage in fluent in-depth conversations about their readings? In this workshop, participants will take part in a mini-reading circle using tools I present for use in fiction and nonfiction self-directed reading circles for ELL students. These tools encourage academic discourse, equity in participation, and accountability. The workshop will include time for participants to debrief their mini-reading circle experience, share best practices and challenges in using reading circles, and provide ideas for adaptations of ideas presented.
  • - Speaker: Patty MacKinnon is currently an English Language Fellow with the U.S. Department of State and works with the Daum School for North Korean Defectors in Seoul. With 20+ years of experience in the ESL/EFL field in the United States, Guatemala, and Korea, Patty has worked with students and staff of diverse social and cultural backgrounds in: curriculum design, program development, teacher coaching, textbook publishing, community outreach, and teaching. She received her MA in TESOL from San Francisco State University in California and her Bachelor’s of Science at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. Her special interests include teacher coaching, content-based instruction, and celebrating diversity in the classroom and beyond. In the summer, she is often in Guatemala working on her Safe Water Project that she and her daughter formed several years ago to help bring clean water to indigenous Guatemalan villagers. She is also an active Rotary International member. She can be contacted at
  • - 29th LEC Photos
28th LEC 2018 October 17 6PM, Rm 201 (Wednesday)
  • - Topic: Competition and Cooperation in Classroom Activities
  • - Abstract: Competition is often used to make classroom tasks more engaging and gamelike. Although this competition can create a classroom buzz, it may also negatively affect motivation and relationships among students. Fortunately, competition between students is not the only way to give activities a motivating, gamelike feel. In fact, cooperation itself can make activities seem more gamelike. This workshop will present several alternatives to direct competition between students, such as competition against a clock or against a personal record. It will also identify features, such as interdependence among teammates, that make activities truly cooperative. Workshop participants will experience more competitive and more cooperative variations of a classroom activity. Then they will evaluate the cooperative and competitive elements in other activities. Finally, they will propose ways of making these activities more cooperative while retaining the elements that make the activities engaging.
  • - Speaker: Heidi Vande Voort Nam (MA TEFL TESL University of Birmingham) teaches both teacher-training and general English courses at Chongshin University in Seoul. She has co-authored several English textbooks, most recently High School English Conversation (Visang). Within KOTESOL, Heidi serves as a presenter for Korea Teacher Trainers and facilitates the KOTESOL Christian Teachers Special Interest Group.
  • - 28th LEC Photos
27th LEC 2018 June 14 6PM, Rm 201 (Wednesday)
26th LEC 2018 May 16 6PM, Rm 201 (Wednesday)
25th LEC 2017 November 29 6PM, Rm 201 (Wednesday)
24th LEC 2017 Sepember 20 6PM, Rm 201 (Wednesday)
23rd LEC 2017 March 14 5PM, Rm 201 (Tuesday)
22nd LEC 2016 November 22 5:30PM, Rm 201 (Tuesday)
21st LEC 2016 November 8 5PM, Rm 201 (Tuesday)
20th LEC 2016 October 25 5PM, Rm 201 (Tuesday)
19th LEC 2016 June 7 1PM, Rm 110 (Tuesday)
18th LEC 2016 May. 10 1PM, Rm 110 (Tuesday)
17th LEC 2015 Oct. 22 5PM, Rm 201 (Thursday)
16th LEC 2015 Sep. 24 5PM, Rm 201 (Thursday)
15th LEC 2015 June 4 5PM, Rm 201 (Thursday)
14th LEC 2015 April 23 5PM, Rm 201 (Thursday)
13th LEC 2015 March 31 1PM, Rm 201 (Thursday)
12th LEC 2014 Nov. 27 5PM, Rm 201 (Thursday)
11th LEC 2014 Oct 23 5PM, Rm 201 (Thursday)
10th LEC 2014 Sep 25 1PM, Rm 201 (Thursday)
9th LEC 2014 May 22 (Thursday)
8th LEC 2014 Apr 8 (Tuesday)
7th LEC 2014 Mar 27 (Thursday)
6th LEC 2013 Apr 18 (Thursday)
5th LEC 2012 Dec 6 (Thursday)
4th LEC 2012 Nov 21 (Wednesday)
3rd LEC 2012 Sep 6 (Thursday)
2nd LEC 2012 May 16 (Wednesday)
1st LEC 2012 Mar 21 (Wednesday)
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